Play with us
Current Openings
Feel free to send in an audition for your instrument at any time. At the moment we are especially looking for:
Violin, Viola, Contrabass
General Audition Information
The Blue Ridge Orchestra welcomes auditions year-round.
A complete audition packet, to be submitted digitally, consists of:
Separate audio files of 3 scales and 1 or 2 excerpts
A completed availability and contact information form (pdf)
Applicants should record the repertoire for their instrument. The information is below.
Other musical selections may be substituted in special circumstances with advance approval; if you would prefer to use other material, please contact us.
Audition Repertoire
Click the button for your instrument to access the audition repertoire. Each set of music consists of three scales and one or two excerpts (except percussion). Please record each piece of music as its own digital file and label them as follows: Scale1-YourName, Scale2-YourName, etc.
Submit your audition
When you are ready to submit your audition, please use the form below.
Having issues with the form? Email us at auditions@blueridgeorchestra.org and we’ll help you out.